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Sustainability in Events Livvy Drake, Sustainability Sidekicks: Video

Sustainability in Events

Livvy Drake, Sustainable Sidekicks

Anna Abdelnoor, Sustainability Consultant

The events industry does not rate highly in terms of looking after the environment.   

Livvy Drake and Anna Abdelnoor talk to us about what they are doing to help agencies and clients improve their environmental credentials and make the world a better place

Livvy Drake
Livvy provides consultancy support on sustainability and waste issues using the principles of circular economy, behaviour change and systems thinking.
"I am excited about the opportunities for change being presented by the Blue Planet effect and eager to work with organisations to redesign their products and services.  Plastics and the bio-alternatives are a specialist subject area. I love investigating waste issues and checking the credentials of new products and services that present as the 'new solution', so if you have a query about the claims of a material or a coffee cup- get in touch."

Anna Abdelnoor

Having worked as an Event Producer with some of the UK's biggest agencies on large scale events for global companies. Anna recently transitioned into sustainability and has developed a number of resources to support the standardisation of event sustainability measurement and methodology across the sector.  She is currently working on launching a nationwide project to support the event industry transition to the future normal by prioritising sustainability in the Covid recovery.
Using knowledge gained as a producer, Anna has created a suite of tools which enable event organisers to track and manage the environmental impact of their events.   These tools and resources include the Four Pillars Scoring System - Organisers can score their methodology and approach across Energy, Catering, Travel & Transport and Production. The score demonstrates that procedures are (or are not) in place to reduce the environmental impact of event activity. Organisers can quickly review and assess their supply chains against their performance in these four areas.

Sustainability in Events Livvy Drake, Sustainability Sidekicks: ScheduleItem
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